Saturday, September 27, 2008

Staying in Flagstaff!

I'm not necessarily excited to announce that we are staying in Flagstaff and are no longer moving to California, at least for now. Jake was just promoted to Front Office Manager at his hotel, which he is more than happy about! It's always been his desire to live out his life in Flagstaff. I guess I enjoy living in Flagstaff, too, but I think I would appreciate it more if we left for a little while and came back! lol. Jake is enjoying his new job. He has soley been given the responsibility of raising the hotel's scores which I guess have been suffering lately. But he is super motivated and happy with the direction his career has headed, so it's all-around good news!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Exciting news!

Jake and I joined Sam's Club yesterday, which was very exciting for us both! I just found out I have 3 cavities, and I don't have medical insurance as my employer does not offer it. I've also contracted ringworm somehow. Ew. Not the first time I've had it though. I think I got it from using the equipment at the new rec center.

I guess Jake buying a new car is also exciting - a 2004 Suzuki XL-7 SUV. It doesn't get very good gas milage obviously, but he likes the 4-wheel drive.